Tag Archives: earwax

Can you hear me now?

Image: Scrabble Spelled out Hearing

I have been having trouble hearing soft sounds for years.  I get a lot of wax buildup so I have to get my ears cleaned periodically.  I finally told my Dr I am still having hearing problems after my ears are cleaned out.

She referred me to an ENT.  I went today. The first thing I did was see the audiologist.  He did all kinds of tests and concluded I have hearing loss and need hearing aids

The ENT agreed.  I made an appointment to have a consultation on hearing aids next week. They may be covered by my insurance.

I am congested from allergies.  I take Claritin D and Flonase. He said I should not still be congested and prescribed  another spray.

I am glad I will be able to hear conversations now. I don’t know much about hearing aids and if they are a hassle or just like glasses.