
Methylation risk variant results MTHFR, CBS, COMT, MTR and MTRR

I had a DNA test done through ancestry. I sent the results to Life DNA and got some information. They had an offer on methylation genes so I had that analyzed. Out of 10 genes, 7 had risk variants. The variants are not unusual.

Some of them lead to an increase in homocysteine which when increased can be a heart attack risk.  I  have started taking L Methyl folate to help. Another interferes with vitamin d.  I asked my Dr and she ordered homocysteine and vitamin d blood tests.  I take fish oil + vitamin d but it my not be enough.

Another variant causes reduced COMT enzyme activity.  This can cause psychiatric issues.  I am going to ask my psychiatrist about it.  They recommend Sam-e supplementation.

I watched a video on Hashimotos thyroiditis.  It was about inflammation but you have to pay to get more info.  I have hypothyroid. My Dr did no further testing, just TSH.  I take synthroid and now TSH is normal.

I am trying to find out about inflammation. I know alcohol is inflammatory so that is a good reason to cut that back or out. I think I am going to have an extended alcohol free period soon.

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